Pregnancy - Page 4

5 facts about the blessed state you should know before you get pregnant
5 facts about the blessed state you should know before you get pregnant

Mothers-to-be are often not fully aware of what the blessed state entails before becoming pregnant. It is therefore worth preparing for these undoubtedly magical 9 months to avoid problems and stress

The body after pregnancy – why is it still a taboo subject?
The body after pregnancy – why is it still a taboo subject?

The body after pregnancy – learn the facts and myths about its appearance

Why exercise your Kegel muscles? How do they affect childbirth?
Why exercise your Kegel muscles? How do they affect childbirth?

Do you do pelvic floor muscle training regularly? If you haven’t yet, come in and see how to do it properly

Can potency problems affect trying for a baby?
Can potency problems affect trying for a baby?

Erectile problems can have various causes, and eliminating them may not require taking medication. However, it is worth knowing when to react properly and go to a specialist.

Infertility – what could be its causes?
Infertility – what could be its causes?

The World Health Organization has recognized infertility as a social disease. Find out what its causes may be.

How can you increase your chances of getting pregnant?
How can you increase your chances of getting pregnant?

Have you been trying for a baby for a while and still can’t get pregnant? Take a look at your habits, maybe it’s time to change them? Check out our advice

5 apps that moms-to-be will want to download immediately
5 apps that moms-to-be will want to download immediately

Pregnancy is a special time in every woman’s life. Moms-to-be want to know as much as possible about what is happening to their bodies. That is why more and more pregnant women like to use pregnancy apps that, for example, count labor contractions.

Depression in pregnancy – what symptoms should get your attention?
Depression in pregnancy – what symptoms should get your attention?

More than 70% of pregnant women experience mood disorders. Find out if you have the first signs of depression.

Does herpes in pregnancy harm the baby?
Does herpes in pregnancy harm the baby?

Did herpes pop up on your lips? Find out what to do.

What should go in your pregnancy bag to the hospital – we create a check list
What should go in your pregnancy bag to the hospital – we create a check list

You should pack your bag for the hospital around 36 weeks of pregnancy. Whether you’re doing it for the first time or the next time, you’ll find it helpful to have a checklist where you tick off the items you packed. Make one with our help and remember everything.