Tag - pregnancy complaints

Fluctuating moods during pregnancy – do you know how to deal with them?
Fluctuating moods during pregnancy – do you know how to deal with them?

Are you plagued by mood swings during pregnancy? Find out how to deal with them.

How to deal with the heat while pregnant?
How to deal with the heat while pregnant?

Are you pregnant in the middle of a hot summer? Find out how to keep yourself safe and well.

Why do our nails become more brittle during pregnancy?
Why do our nails become more brittle during pregnancy?

How to take care of nails during pregnancy? How to strengthen the nail plate while expecting a baby? Learn some tips that will positively affect the condition of your nails during pregnancy!

5 effective ways to treat swollen feet in pregnancy
5 effective ways to treat swollen feet in pregnancy

Are swollen feet in the third trimester of pregnancy causing discomfort and even pain? Learn some home remedies to help you experience a sense of relief!

Is it safe to travel by air while pregnant?
Is it safe to travel by air while pregnant?

Air travel while pregnant? Yes, it is possible, but not always. Find out if you can take such a trip while you are expecting your baby.

Nightmares, insomnia, sleep disorders? What other ailments can pregnant women experience?
Nightmares, insomnia, sleep disorders? What other ailments can pregnant women experience?

Many moms-to-be struggle with sleep problems during pregnancy. Insomnia, nightmares or uncomfortable positioning are the most common complaints

How to fight a cold in pregnancy?
How to fight a cold in pregnancy?

Getting a cold during pregnancy is very problematic. You cannot take many medicines or use common treatments. This is because they can harm the unborn baby. Find out how to fight a cold in pregnancy

Depression in pregnancy – what symptoms should get your attention?
Depression in pregnancy – what symptoms should get your attention?

More than 70% of pregnant women experience mood disorders. Find out if you have the first signs of depression.

5 home remedies for pregnancy ailments
5 home remedies for pregnancy ailments

Women have been using them for years.

7 tips from a physiotherapist for back pain in pregnancy
7 tips from a physiotherapist for back pain in pregnancy

Simple, proven and effective!