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Expanding a child’s diet – what mistakes do young moms make most often?

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Expanding a child’s diet – what mistakes do young moms make most often?

Expanding a baby’s diet is a very stressful time for many parents. Despite the efforts, many mothers make mistakes. What do you need to know when introducing new foods into your offspring’s diet?

At the beginning, infants feed only on milk. However, there comes a time when new foods need to be introduced to the baby. This is often associated with considerable stress for mothers. Unfortunately, there are still many nutritional myths that cause parents to make mistakes. And it may have an impact on the baby’s development and later eating habits.

When to start giving new foods?

The biggest mistake is expanding the child’s diet before the age of 6 months. Current research indicates that it is not necessary. Until that time mother’s milk or modified milk (when the baby is not breastfed) provides all the necessary nutrients. Feeding new foods should therefore begin after the child is six months old

It’s also a mistake to “top up” a baby with water – the latest research shows that it doesn’t have to be done until the child is 6 months old. If it’s hot, it’s better to breastfeed the baby more often.

The child has the right to try one thing many times

When the toddler feels a new, different taste it is the most probable that he will push the dish out of his mouth. Then many moms assume that the child doesn’t like it and don’t give it again e.g. broccoli or other products. This is a mistake, because they are very important in the diet of a child. That is why the child sometimes needs to try something even a dozen or more times to accept the taste.

A child’s diet cannot be monotonous either. And in the case of mothers who eliminate particular food products just because the toddler has pushed them out – this is what happens

Sweets are not recommended

Many people are convinced that giving something sweet to even a few months old baby will not hurt. But even if it doesn’t hurt, it won’t help either. A child that gets to know the sweet taste, often doesn’t want to eat something else and demands sweets. And as we know, sugar is absolutely not recommended for babies. It is not healthy and may contribute to later health problems.

What about spices?

Around the age of 8 months, meals can be very gently seasoned with herbs. However, do not give salt, which in excess can seriously damage the proper development of the baby

At the beginning, single herbs should be added to meals, and not ready-made mixtures, which also often contain many unnecessary enhancers

Fear of chunks

Nowadays, more and more moms are aware that they can give their kids pieces at the beginning of expanding the diet. Most children can perfectly handle cooked broccoli, carrots or potatoes, even if they don’t have teeth. Besides, chewing perfectly influences the development of their speech apparatus and facial muscles. It also has a positive effect on motor coordination – your child learns to get food into his mouth.

Main photo: Lukas Godina/

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