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Have you heard of pregnancy tummy masks yet?

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Have you heard of pregnancy tummy masks yet?

Moms-to-be are becoming more and more interested in taking care of their skin. Recently, masks for pregnant belly are quite popular. How do they work and when to use them?

Although nowadays a mask is associated mainly with a piece of cloth that is supposed to protect against infection, in the field of cosmetology this word still means all kinds of creams, ointments and preparations that are supposed to help the skin e.g. in regeneration or nutrition. Masks for pregnant belly have become very popular recently, because they are a great care solution for women who want to take special care of their skin and protect against stretch marks appearing on it.

Masks for pregnant belly – care hit for moms-to-be

As the pregnancy belly grows, the skin stretches. If you do not take care of it properly, it may not be in very good shape. And although at the beginning you can not yet see any changes on our body, and the size of the belly practically does not change, it is worth applying regenerating masks on the skin at this stage, so as not to have to fight with stretch marks in the future. Ladies who are athletic and have strong abdominal muscles do not have to worry too much about the fact that their skin on the abdomen will be in worse condition. It is worse if they have led a rather couchsurfing lifestyle and have very weak abdominal muscles.

It is worth to be aware that the size of pregnancy belly largely depends on ourselves, or rather our eating habits and those associated with physical activity. Excess body fat is most quickly “located” on the abdomen, so if you gain quite a lot of weight during pregnancy, and do not protect your skin, for example with masks, stretch marks may become your bane, and return to the figure from before pregnancy will also not belong to the easiest.

Do you want to avoid unsightly stretch marks? Treat your belly to a mask!

Masks for pregnant belly are offered by many beauty salons, but you can equally well treat yourself to a tummy spa in the comfort of your own home. After all, you want the skin on your belly after childbirth is still smooth and had a uniform color, right? So take care of it while you’re still pregnant. Many moms-to-be apply the same products to their belly as they do to their facial skin. Of course, they choose those that are safe and have a good composition. This is quite a good idea, because such preparations contain active ingredients that help to quickly deal with various skin lesions. However, you should read the manufacturer’s recommendations and choose products for your skin type, because unfortunately cosmetics can irritate the skin. Remember that what is good for the skin of the face, for example, will not always work well on the skin of the body. Therefore, it is better to buy special masks for pregnant belly, and they are available in many drugstores and pharmacies. Their advantages are: intensive hydration and help reduce stretch marks, as well as soften and relieve the feeling of tightness and itching of the skin on the abdomen.

How to prepare the abdominal skin for the application of a mask?

With a baby growing in your belly, the abdominal skin begins to stretch. This is a process for which you should prepare it well. Therefore, you need to nourish, moisturize and lubricate it. Before you apply a mask on the pregnant belly, you can first perform a scrub. How Mix a tablespoon of honey with a small amount of fine cane sugar and massage such a paste into your belly. Then you can easily apply a ready-made cream mask, preferably with nourishing and moisturizing properties. You can also prepare such a mask yourself. For example, from mashed banana, to which you add a teaspoon of evening primrose oil and juice such as aloe vera leaves. Mask for pregnant belly can also be prepared from natural yogurt mixed with honey and a spoon of flaxseed oil.

Read also This cosmetic for stretch marks used Maffashion during pregnancy!

Main photo: fotoduets/

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