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Are pregnancy sleep pillows something you should really invest in?

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Are pregnancy sleep pillows something you should really invest in?

In advanced pregnancy, it is difficult to choose a comfortable position for sleep and rest. Women often feel pressure and discomfort. And here with help come special pillows for ladies in the blessed state.

Pillows for pregnant women come in different shapes. The most popular are those resembling the letters C, I and U

What are the models of sleeping pillows for pregnant women and why should you use them?

What are the characteristics of the C-shaped pillow? This type of product provides support for the head, abdomen, back and legs. Is this an option for everyone? Not necessarily. This pillow is recommended for people up to 168 cm tall.

Why should you opt for the I-shaped version? These types of products are good for people who often change sides during sleep. Using them, you do not have to think about which side you sleep better on. No matter what position you choose, you will be comfortable.

Thelast proposal is a pillow – type U. You can wrap this product both in front and behind your body, stabilizing your side position or protecting yourself from unwanted rolling onto your back. Satisfied with its use will be women who often change sleeping position and do not want to re-arrange the pillow each time.

The purchase of a pillow for pregnant women is worth considering for two reasons. Firstly, they prevent many pregnancy ailments, provide better blood circulation, reduce pain in all parts of the body and eliminate sleep problems. Besides, a pregnancy pillow is also a gadget which makes breastfeeding easier.

Sounds like a salvation for pregnant women? Check it yourself or give it as a gift to a woman close to your heart

Read also 5 gadgets that every mom-to-be will be happy with

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