
7 tips from a physiotherapist for back pain in pregnancy

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7 tips from a physiotherapist for back pain in pregnancy

Back pain during pregnancy is one of the inherent ailments of this special time. How to effectively get rid of the pain? Learn about the reliable ways of physiotherapist.

There are many causes of back pain during pregnancy. These include excessive weight, the change in the shape of the spine during pregnancy the production of relaxin – a hormone that increases the flexibility of the pelvic joints. Learn 7 tips from a physiotherapist for back pain in pregnancy:

1. Remember to have the right posture when lifting, i.e., an upright bottom, straight back, movement from the hips and knees. Whenever possible, give up lifting altogether.
2. Rest every time you feel strained. Lying down during the day will help relieve pressure on your aching back.
3. Wear flat shoes. Heels elevate your heels and move your body’s center of gravity forward. This exacerbates poor posture and back pain.
4. Water relieves stress on the body, so attend the pool regularly. It is a friendly exercise environment for all people with back pain.
5. The right workout will strengthen your body and minimize the risk of poor posture, so exercise regularly6
. Ask your physiotherapist to teach you how to relax tense muscles, Automassages and massages will speed up muscle recovery.
7. Use of sacroiliac belts for pelvic pain

Read also Is it okay to go to the dentist while pregnant?

Main photo: John Looy/

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