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What to consider when choosing children’s shoes for summer?

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What to consider when choosing children’s shoes for summer?

Sandals, flip-flops or maybe sneakers made of light material – what kind of shoes to choose for a child for the summer? What should you do to choose the best model for your child?

Warm, even hot days are the time to change clothes for lighter ones, but also the perfect moment to change shoes. Winter trappers or autumn wellingtons should be put away for a longer time. In the summer, our feet and our children’s feet should have as much air circulation as possible, so that they don’t sweat and burn in closed shoes.

What shoes will be the best for the child in the summer? What should be taken into account when choosing?

Choosing the right shoes is quite a challenge. Despite the fact that we know the size of our child’s foot, we should always try on the foot. Buying without measuring is unwise. Children’s feet are extremely delicate and sensitive, which makes them more susceptible to any abrasions, irritations, burns, scratches or corns than adult feet

Let’s also keep in mind the fact that during hot weather toes clatter, swell, and above all sweat, which makes us feel as if they become our additional burden; the same feelings have children.

When choosing shoes for your child, do not be influenced by the fact that some of your friends, for example, give us shoes after their toddler. Used shoes may already be profiled for another foot, and children’s feet absorb all habits. So if, for example, the sole in used shoes is too worn out, it may lead to twisting the heel counter in a particular direction.

If the season changes and hot summer is coming, it is best to buy your child new, comfortable shoes for this hot period. What criteria should be the most important when choosing?

The starting point should be the choice of material. It should be light, airy and delicate, and most importantly – comfortable. If we think we have found the perfect sneakers or sandals, but the footwear will be made of artificial fabrics, it can unfortunately cause abrasions and, despite the well-chosen size, cause discomfort through pressure

So what materials are best to bet on? Such, which will allow the skin of the feet to breathe freely. Good quality textile materials and natural leather will be the most suitable choice. It is not recommended to buy shoes made of rubber, because they can burn the foot. Remember that regardless of the type of material in the shoe, there should also be an insole.

What are the most popular types of summer shoes for children?

In the summer, sandals are definitely the king. This is a great option for a boy and a girl. The most important issue when choosing them is to pay attention to the sole – it should be properly profiled. For children, sandals with a built-in heel are recommended. Those with only straps may cause that the foot will not be in a stable position and may move, and thus undergo deformations.

If you are planning a vacation by the sea, then a good choice will be flip-flops. For a child the most comfortable will be those slipped, because in those with open toes our kid will be able to unintentionally hook on something and, for example, cut himself.

Choosing shoes for your child for the summer, let’s suggest his comfort and safety of feet.

Main photo: Alexas_Fotos/

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