
How to keep baby’s room clean?

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How to keep baby’s room clean?

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Teethers, sippy cups, wooden toys – all can contain countless amounts of bacteria. Combined with dust, skin and dust mites, a child’s room can quickly become one of the dirtiest rooms in the house.

In addition to using accessories such as rotary mop for cleaning floors, or others for washing larger surfaces, you also need to pay attention to washing smaller things.

Toddler first!

Wash your child’s hands with mild soap before and after playtime. The same thing happens when he uses the bathroom, eats, blows his nose, plays outside or cuddles animals. Teaching children to wash their hands regularly early will keep them safe in their rooms and home. Place a “hygiene station” next to the door of your child’s room (make sure it is out of their reach). Take antibacterial gel and paper towels with you. It’s a good idea to keep quick-cleaning sprays in your child’s room. That way you can wipe down everything while baby is playing.

Changing table

Every time you change diapers, spray the changing table surface with multi-surface cleaner and then wipe it down with a cloth or paper towel. Choose a waterproof changing pad for convenience. Once or twice a week, wipe the entire surface with dishwashing liquid. If your mat has a removable cover, you can also wash it in the bath or shower…


Since babies use their mouths to explore the world, it’s important to disinfect their favorite toys. We don’t recommend using disinfecting wipes because they can be confused with baby wipes. Instead, spray the toy with multi-surface spray and then wipe down with a paper towel.


There must be a good diaper disposal system that separates odors and waste to keep the baby’s room sterile. You should also set up a separate barrier for dirty bedding and clothing. Wash soiled items separately in hot water to prevent the spread of bacteria to other clothes. To clean your diaper transfer garbage can, pour baking soda into the garbage can, let it sit overnight, and then rinse with water.

Change bedding regularly

Secretions become a breeding ground for bacteria and specific odors. Even if your bedding looks clean, wash and change it at least once a week. Small urine and diaper spills can cause invisible bacteria to grow in the crib, and dust and dirt particles can settle on bedding, which can cause skin irritation and allergies. After washing with a mild detergent, the bedding is dried to dry in the sun. Sunlight can be used as a natural disinfectant.

Eliminate clutter and chaos

Less dirt can be cleaned faster, so instead of displaying all the baby toys, it is better to provide five to ten. This will not only help keep the baby’s room clean, but also keep the baby interested in his toys

Before moving on to the next set of toys, soak the plastic and rubber parts in a bowl of hot water and pour some mild washing powder into it. Wait a few minutes, then mix distilled white vinegar with warm water and leave the toy in the solution for 15 minutes. Rinse with cold water and store in a dry place.

Focus on environmental protection

It is very important to keep children healthy and safe, especially when there is a possibility of infection or illness. Conventional cleaning products are full of dangerous chemicals, and these common chemicals evaporate under normal weather conditions. This can degrade indoor air quality and make your child sick. Environmentally friendly cleaning products are not only more beneficial for your baby, but also more beneficial for the environment

Read also This is how celebrities have decorated their kids’ rooms. Check out these sources of inspiration

Main photo: Євгенія Височина/

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