
How to fight a cold in pregnancy?

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How to fight a cold in pregnancy?

A cold in pregnancy is the bane of many mothers-to-be. Many medications must not be taken because of the developing baby under the heart. So how can you cope?

A cold is nothing pleasant, especially for pregnant women. They are not allowed to take medicines and use popular methods of fighting the disease. So what can you do to relieve yourself and recover faster?

Staying in bed is the best remedy

A pregnant woman is weakened anyway. Her body is undergoing a lot of changes, which are a great burden. So if she has a cold, it should not be underestimated. If there is no high fever and nothing particularly worrying is happening, there is no reason to panic and there is no need to see a doctor immediately. However, you must not strain yourself. It is best to simply lie in bed. Rest and plenty of sleep will allow the body to regenerate and gain strength. It is worth remembering that the sooner a woman takes care of herself, the faster she will recover

Take care of moisturizing mucous membranes

It is necessary to remember about proper air humidification. Especially during a cold. If it is dry – it additionally irritates our mucous membranes. It is therefore important to drink as much water as possible – even up to 4 liters per day. It is important not to drink a lot at one time but slowly, after a few sips. Herbal teas such as chamomile or mint may also help. It is good to put wet towels on radiators.

Ginger for a sore throat

When you feel burning throat, one of the best products that bring relief is ginger. Cut a piece into small slices or grate it and pour hot water over it. You can add to it raspberry juice, squeeze a piece of lemon or add a little honey. Such an infusion should be drunk at least twice a day. Ginger also helps to fight nausea, which often accompanies pregnant women

Inhalations for a runny nose

A blocked nose and a runny nose are very troublesome. Inhalations with the addition of mint, saline, table salt or chamomile can bring relief to the pregnant woman. In the case of saline, a special inhaler can be used (worth buying anyway, as it comes in handy when the baby has a cold). Pour water into a bowl and add mint, chamomile or salt. Then bend over, cover your head with a towel and inhale the steam. The nose should clear up. Afterwards, it is worth lubricating the area around the nose with marjoram ointment – this also decongests it and makes breathing easier.

Vitamins for immunity

If you want to recover as soon as possible, you should strengthen your immunity. Therefore, it is crucial to eat plenty of vitamin-rich fruits and vegetables. Instead of another chocolate bar it is better to eat a handful of raspberries or an apple. It is also worth drinking juices (preferably homemade) from chokeberry or black currant, because they are rich in vitamin C. Pickles, garlic, horseradish or onions can also help. The latter works well in homemade syrup – just chop 2 heads, mix with 2 tablespoons of sugar and leave it to let the juice out. Such a syrup should be drunk several times a day after one tablespoon. This is a really effective and also tasty remedy.

Do not do this!

A pregnant woman must not take any cold medicine, especially without consulting her health care provider. Many over-the-counter preparations can be harmful to the unborn baby. Even cold drops can be dangerous. It is also a myth that all herbal preparations are good for the pregnant woman. Here, too, you should seek advice and read the leaflets – popular sore throat tablets with thyme and coltsfoot, for example, are not recommended.

Read also What happens to your teeth during pregnancy?

Main Photo: comzeal/

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