Toddler zone

How do you care for your child’s physical and psychological development?

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How do you care for your child’s physical and psychological development?

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To ensure the proper physical and psychological development of the child, you need to know what to pay attention to – not only in daily contact with the toddler, but also when buying toys, choosing books and teaching aids. Only, what in total to pay attention to? Information in the network is a lot, good advice comes from all sides. No wonder that it is easy for a young mother to get lost in the mass of new knowledge. We advise what to focus on for the sake of the proper development of the child

Playing in a group

It’s extremely important to let your child interact with their peers and give them a bit of freedom to help them develop independence. A good idea is to sports activities for childrencombining business with pleasure. You will take care of your kids’ social development, while taking care of their physical health. Classes under the supervision of a professional instructor is a guarantee of unforgettable fun while maintaining all safety precautions. You do not have to fear that your child will get hurt, although you will allow him to taste independence. Playing in a group of peers has a significant impact on a child’s development and how they will cope in adulthood. In combination with physical exercises, it will guarantee better health and good condition. According to specialists, every toddler needs at least three hours of exercise a day. Don’t forget this when you plan your child’s day – and if you have a little prodigy at home, join him! Contact with a parent is also extremely important for a child.

Physical activity together

Taking care of your child’s physical development, you don’t have to sign him up for classes with an instructor. It’s undoubtedly a diversification of the toddler’s day and a great convenience for parents, but equally good solution will be joint walks, visits to the playground and bike trips. Grouchy and angry children will relieve their energy during physical activity, and putting toddler to sleep will cease to be an eternal battle – your child will fall down from exhaustion after returning home. Adequate exercise also guarantees getting rid of the tension accumulated in the little one, and that means a smile on your child’s face

Learning a foreign language

Children learning a foreign language means so much more than doing better in school and making it easier to communicate as adults. According to research, by learning a foreign language, your little one improves their concentration and memory skills, and their brain develops better than with any other intellectual activity. Children broaden their horizons, open up to the world and discover new cultures. In addition, by the age of seven learning a foreign language comes much easier to a person, so it is good to use this time and enroll your child in additional classes. Language schools, such as offer special courses for the youngest learners of a foreign language


It is worth teaching your child how to hold a crayon, marker or brush. Today he can express himself through drawing, and in a few years it will make learning to write much easier. Children interested in drawing are better off reaching for a pencil or pen and beginning their adventure with letters. And although every manifestation of your child’s artistic creativity supports the development of eye-hand coordination, coloring books deserve special attention. They have a positive effect on concentration and, surprisingly, also on creativity. An interesting approach to the subject of coloring books distinguishes the online store Idejka. It offers a wide range of sheets for painting by numbers. It is a lesson of patience for your toddler, which will pay off in the future

Read also Want your child to share your love of reading? We give you tips on how to make it happen

Main photo: Ramin Talebi/

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