
5 activities to fill your child’s time on rainy days

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5 activities to fill your child’s time on rainy days

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Spring is coming, so in Poland it is the season of plough and rain before the spring bloom of gardens and meadows. After all, as the Cabaret of Old Men sang, children are bored when it rains, this is a well-known fact. Every parent knows that there is no worse mood in a child than boredom. On rainy days going to the playground or for a walk is not possible, which makes taming boredom an even bigger challenge. We don’t want to give the child the phone or turn on the cartoon, entertainment for children should be developing and creative – flashing, colorful images from the screen are the opposite of that. So what to occupy your child during the rain? Here we suggest!

Drawing and colouring

This is an engaging and developing activity for both toddlers and older kids. Toddlers can get busy coloring with their favorite fairy tale characters or books, while school-aged kids and early teens can get busy drawing. Drawing and coloring is extremely important for the development of hand-eye coordination, so every child should be exposed to crayons even from an early age. For older children who have already developed a spatial imagination, drawing will be a great pastime. This activity refines and allows you to discover talent and develop creativity. Older children can shape their skills in courses, for example Manga drawing course it will not only be developing for the child, but also provide great fun. It will also provide the child with a foundation for further drawing and perhaps plant a seed from which a great passion will germinate.

Painting with paints

This is another activity for children of all ages. For a toddler who is just learning to use a paintbrush, it is admittedly very messy, but exploratory fun. If you’re not afraid of the mess and having to clean the floors, walls, table, chairs, baby and household items within a five-foot radius, give your little one paint, a brush and a piece of paper. Just remember to protect items that can’t be easily washed or cleaned. Older kids will enjoy the opportunity to paint something beautiful. Painting is a little more difficult than drawing, so your child will need to work a little on controlling the brushes and paints they are working with. You can find all the supplies your child needs for painting at

Anita Jankovic/

Artistic games

Creative play is not only drawing and painting. The child, with the right materials and tutorials, can conjure up beautifully decorated mugs, boxes, ornaments for the house or their room. Glitter, feathers, lace, buttons, ribbons, stamps and colored papers will awaken your child’s creativity and unleash their imagination Studio 75 we offer all necessary materials and accessories for scrapbooking, with which you will conjure up wonderful decorations and even more beautiful memories.

Board games

Developing and valuable fun for child will be also playing board games. They teach logical and strategic thinking, anticipation, competition winning but also losing, which is very important in the early years of life. The downside of board games is that not many of them allow you to play alone, so they will only occupy your child’s time when you have a free moment to play with him/her. A possible playmate could be a sibling of a similar age

Home playground

If you can’t visit the playground with your child because of rain, a fantastic alternative is to create a home play area. A carousel made from a swivel chair, a slide made from a mattress supported by the back of a couch, and a fort made from chairs, pillows, and a blanket are all incredibly fun for any child. This is a very simple way to keep your child occupied and fight boredom at home. After such madness in the home amusement park, your child is sure to take a long nap.

Rainy days are hard on children, boredom combined with being trapped at home is a recipe for mood swings in little ones and frustration in older ones. Fortunately, there are plenty of ways to keep your child occupied during the rain and provide them with interesting and worthwhile entertainment.

Read also Want your child to share your love of reading? We’ll give you tips on how to make that happen

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