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What periodic checkups should your child have?

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What periodic checkups should your child have?

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Every parent has come across the term “health check-up”, but what exactly does a health check-up include and what tests beyond it are worth doing? Not all tests and checks are included in the mandatory list, but even though they are not considered necessary by the Ministry of Health and the World Health Organization, it does not mean that you should not do them. Here are the periodic checkups that are worth doing for your child.

Vision and hearing check-up

The senses develop in children while they are still in fetal life, but abnormalities in these senses are not apparent from the very beginning. Problems with vision can be noticed around the age of six months, when the child does not react to visual stimuli or its reactions are delayed. Poznań optician in his offer can also have glasses for children, which are not only smaller in size to better fit the child’s head, but also more attractive to children. The designs and colors of children’s glasses can make them more likely to wear them

Hearing problems, on the other hand, may go undiagnosed until school age, when it is not until a school speech therapist diagnoses speech development abnormalities that are related to hearing. Hearing loss often causes speech problems, resulting in speech defects or very slurred speech that is due to the child not hearing himself. In young children, it is important to watch out for loud and unreasonable (i.e. not caused by a need not being met) crying, which can be a sign of hearing loss

Sensory integration activities

Children learn about the world through play and the senses. Sensory integration disorder is a growing problem among toddlers. Problems with synthesizing and ordering stimuli can seriously affect a child’s development, so it is a good idea to bring your child to a center where his or her sensory integration skills will be tested. After the diagnosis, the child can be enrolled in classes, which are usually great fun for toddlers. Such gadgets as a dry pool, inflatable balls or foam shapes for rehabilitation are used during the classes. This makes the classes appealing to children who are eager to attend.

Cholesterol and sugar tests

Elevated cholesterol and sugar levels seem to be a problem for older people, but with more and more processed and unhealthy food available in stores, these diseases are affecting younger and younger people. Elevated levels of bad cholesterol can be seen in the blood of even a three-year-old! And type two diabetes is increasingly affecting school age children. These are frightening, but unfortunately true data, so it is worth taking care of your child’s health and regularly conduct blood tests. On the occasion of such control, you can also notice iron or vitamin deficiencies, which, undetected, can lead to serious health consequences

Parenting is, above all, responsibility, so regular visits to the pediatrician and examinations. If you notice any alarming symptoms in your child, do not ignore them, but consult a specialist. Unfortunately, younger and younger children are getting serious diseases that can only be detected in time by sticking to the calendar of examinations and completing the health balance correctly and on time

Main photo: Colin Maynard/

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