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Treatments that help you regain your postpartum figure

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Treatments that help you regain your postpartum figure

After childbirth, many women complain about their figure. Excessive kilograms, protruding flanks, stretch marks – these are just some of the problems. What treatments are worth using to feel good in your own skin again?

Pregnancy and childbirth are a huge burden on the female body. Most of the women gain weight significantly, and unfortunately some of the excess weight remains despite the birth of the child. Added to this is a protruding belly, flanks, stretch marks and cellulite. Newlyweds are too busy taking care of the baby to afford regular exercise and training, which would allow them to quickly get back in shape. Fortunately, there are many treatments available that help you regain your figure quickly, effectively and safely

How to regain a flat stomach?

After having a baby, one of the most common problems is a protruding belly. Unfortunately, few moms can boast of a perfectly flat tummy. As a result, a woman may feel less attractive. She is not able to accept her body, which can negatively affect her psyche. It is worth knowing that the way our belly looks after childbirth, as a rule, depends on what lifestyle we led before pregnancy – whether we were physically active and whether we regularly used firming cosmetics

What treatment will help us regain a flat stomach? Cryolipolysis can help. This is a procedure that involves freezing of fat tissue, resulting in death of fat cells (apoptosis). After only two treatments you can get rid of even 1/5 of fat tissue. The treatment is great not only for young moms but also for women who have been dieting and exercising for years with little effect

How to reduce body fat?

A treatment that quickly and effectively reduces fatty tissue on selected body parts – abdomen, arms, thighs, flanks, above the knees, etc. is injection lipolysis. It involves injecting the tissue with a phosphatidylcholine solution that promotes the breakdown of fat cells. Carboxytherapy treatment, which involves the simulation of collagen fibers through the intradermal introduction of carbon dioxide, will also be beneficial

Nasty stretch marks – a common problem after pregnancy!

The body of a pregnant woman changes very quickly. The belly grows at an incredible rate, as do other parts of the body. As a result, the skin is not able to stretch as much. That is why stretch marks appear on it. Many women fear that the characteristic, ugly stripes will accompany them forever. And it is worth knowing that they can be eliminated, but you need to act quickly. Treatment in a clinic of aesthetic medicine can help, which uses a fraction of radio waves combined with electroporation. It breaks down old collagen and creates new collagen fibers. The specialist performs micropunctures and electroporation, introducing special substances whose aim is to improve the condition of our skin. For single red stretch marks, nitrogen plasma will also be effective

Cellulite after pregnancy can be really big!

Cellulite, or the characteristic “orange peel” appears on the thighs and buttocks, less often on the abdomen. After childbirth, this problem affects most women, all due to estrogen. Fat cells during pregnancy grow not very evenly, so the skin begins to wrinkle characteristically. Then an effective treatment will be lymphatic drainage and vacuum massages. It is also worth using treatments with ultrasound and radio waves.

Read also: How to take care of the skin after pregnancy?

Main photo: Andrea Piacquadio/

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