
What to give the mom-to-be for the baby shower? Here are 3 practical gifts that are sure to come in handy

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What to give the mom-to-be for the baby shower? Here are 3 practical gifts that are sure to come in handy

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Baby shower is a tradition of giving gifts for the mother-to-be and the baby, which came to us from America. In Poland organizing such parties is still not as common as in the States, but it is gaining popularity. Due to the fact that it is still a very fresh trend, we often hear the question: what to buy for your pregnant girlfriend? We rush with an answer! Here are three gifts that are sure to come in handy for mom and baby in their first weeks together.

Feeding pillow – an essential gadget for every mother

Every newly mom faces a difficult task: breastfeeding. Although this activity seems so natural that it should almost instinctively be obvious for women, unfortunately it is not. A woman breastfeeding her baby for the first time has a million doubts and not only that she doesn’t know how to do it herself, but also the newborn can’t drink. It can take up to two weeks before the baby learns to fully eat from mom’s breast. This learning process and the feeding months to come will definitely make it easier for both of you nursing pillow. It is a pillow in the shape of a horn, which you put on your waist and put the baby on it, so that it can be easily and safely attached to the breast. The future mother will not only be happy with such a gift, but she will definitely use it as well.

Thermofor, or rescue for mom and baby

Another gift you can get your friend for a baby shower is a baby shower caddy cherry seed thermoforthanks to it, the period of colic will become much more bearable for the baby and its parents. Such a thermophore is an innovation in the world of baby care gadgets. It is relatively small and much lighter than water inflators, which with their weight can even cause pain to the baby’s delicate body. Such a thermoformer is heated in a microwave, oven or radiator. At the time when a newborn’s digestive system is not yet fully developed, babies often suffer from tummy aches and colic. In this situation, the thermo-muffle definitely relieves pain and helps the digestive system to restore its normal work. This will certainly be a good gift!

Diapers, bottles and wet wipes – a practical gift for every budget

If you can’t afford a more expensive gift or gadget, surely an equally apt and absolutely most practical gift will be, for example, a pack of diapers and wet wipes.Such a gift will significantly relieve the pocket of future parents who will need hundreds of diapers and thousands of wipes per week. An equally good idea may be the purchase of a bottle, pacifier, wrap or other item which is necessary when taking care of the baby. With such a gift you will always find something for your pocket and make the future mother happy. An equally good gift will be clothes for the baby, which always turn out to be too little.

A baby shower is a reason for great joy, which you experience together. The invited friends and the pregnant woman herself are supposed to celebrate her femininity and the happiness of the future mother at such a meeting. The party is often organized at the end of the pregnancy, so that the mother can also forget about the stress of giving birth and complete her layette for the baby. The birth of a child is associated with great happiness, but also with huge costs, which can cause financial problems for many couples. A baby shower is also an opportunity to lighten the load on the parents-to-be’s wallet a bit by buying them gifts for the little man who will soon turn their lives upside down.

Read also: 5 most beautiful baby showers of Polish celebrities of recent months

Main photo: georgerudy/

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