
Phantom kicks after childbirth – where do they come from and what do they involve?

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Phantom kicks after childbirth – where do they come from and what do they involve?

Many pregnant moms can’t wait for the moment when their baby first moves in their belly. This moment can be compared to the fluttering of a butterfly’s wings inside your body. However, many moms experience a similar feeling even when the birth has already taken place and the baby has been with us for a long time. In some cases, the sensation that the baby is kicking is so strong that ladies decide to take a pregnancy test to confirm whether they have missed anything. It turns out that such a phenomenon was called phantom kicks, which are not dangerous and usually pass spontaneously after a few months after birth. What do they consist in and why do new mothers experience them?

Phantom kicks – what is it?

Phantom kicks are feelings that occur after childbirth that are similar to the movements of the baby that the mother experienced when she was pregnant. They are light contractions, squishing or subtle touches that give sensations as if the fetus is moving in the womb. These types of symptoms are very common and are felt by nearly 80% of women after giving birth. This is not a dangerous phenomenon or one that negatively affects the health of the young mother, rather it is the body’s reaction to the chaos caused by the fact that the baby is already outside of the mother’s body

What are the causes of phantom kicking?

Medicine and the scientific world have only recently looked into the phenomenon of phantom kicks, which in many moms gave a feeling of disorientation and anxiety. Certainly in the first weeks of confinement any pain or abdominal skin is caused by the shrinking of the uterus and the regeneration of the body after pregnancy. False kicks can also have a neurological basis, because the body was used to the fact that inside lives a small tenant, which only recently changed the address of residence. A final reason why a mom may feel as though her belly is being pushed into by the baby is simply due to careful observation of her body, which becomes more meticulous during pregnancy. It is possible that the kicks are confused with the workings of the digestive and digestive systems

Read also How to take care of your skin after pregnancy?

Main photo: nataliaderiabina/

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