
Layette for a newborn baby – we create a stylish checklist

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Layette for a newborn baby – we create a stylish checklist

The birth of a child is an extremely important event for every parent. It is necessary to prepare everything necessary for the baby. But what is necessary, and what on the contrary?

When a child is about to be born, parents usually do everything to prepare for this moment in the best possible way. Some go into a real frenzy buying almost everything they can find in baby stores. However, it is worth preparing a basic list in order not to go crazy – and not to go bankrupt

Layette for a baby – what should be in it?

  1. A place to sleep

One thing is certain: the parents-to-be must organize a place for the baby to sleep. It is worth remembering that there is no need to renovate the entire nursery. Usually, a toddler for the first few months or even a year, will want to be as close to mom as possible. That is why it is best to place a cradle, a crib or a bed extension in your bedroom. Make sure that the baby’s corner is nicely decorated and that there is a changing table and a toolbox for all the necessary things, such as diapers and creams.

2. Clothes – let’s not exaggerate with the amount

Many parents, especially moms, love buying tiny clothes. It is worth knowing, however, that those in size 56 we need really little, because the child will grow out of them quickly. Besides, it’s better to resign from tulle dresses, tight jeans and the like. Such clothes, while undoubtedly beautiful, are unfortunately not very comfortable. A newborn baby should be dressed, above all, comfortably. You will need: several rompers, rompers, several pairs of bodysuits with long and short sleeves, socks, a cotton cap and a kaftan. It may also come in handy the so called non-scratch paws, i.e. tiny gloves which are put on a newborn’s hands so that they do not get scratched. When buying clothes remember to choose those made of high quality materials, preferably 100% cotton.

If it is winter, you should take care of a special overalls, which will be useful during walks, even in minus temperatures. It would be best if it was zipped, had a hood and covered feet. A warm hat tied under the chin is a must.

3. What kind of diapers?

Before a baby is born it’s worth considering whether you will use disposable or cloth diapers. The former are undoubtedly a more convenient option, while the latter is more beneficial for the environment. If you are going to use typical pampers, it’s worth buying 2 packs of size 1 diapers to start with, but it’s still worth having a few tetris, which you can use to wipe or cover your baby. If we are going to use cloth diapers, we will need several dozen of them. There are also special panties available on the market, which you can put on them to make them fit the baby’s bottom better.

4. Cosmetics for baby care

You will certainly need special bath cosmetics, ointment to lubricate the bottom to prevent nappy rash, olive oil, Octenisept for cleaning the umbilical stump and sterile swabs. There is no need to buy half of a pharmacy because you can get everything on hand whenever you need it. It is also worth deciding to buy small packs, as we do not know which cosmetics will be accepted by the delicate skin of our baby

5. Blankets and quilts

A good blanket is the basis. It will accompany our baby for many months, so it should be made of natural material. It is best to have several blankets of different sizes and thickness. A good option are also bamboo wraps, with which you can wrap your child. If you want to buy a quilt, you should remember to choose a light one, in a small size. Big and heavy comforters will come in time in a few years.

At first, the baby will sleep on a flat pillow or without one. It’s worth buying a special wedge, which will make it easier for the baby to breathe while sleeping and will ensure greater safety if the baby urinates

Read also: Here’s a brand that makes baby clothes from organic materials. These products were also noticed by celebrities

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