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5 Home Ways to Boast Beautiful and Strong Hair

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5 Home Ways to Boast Beautiful and Strong Hair

Hair often falls out. There may be various reasons for this – a bad diet, childbirth or some illness. In any case, you should take care of it and strengthen it. How? We tell you how!

Every woman dreams of healthy, shiny and beautiful hair, especially new mothers whose hair has lost some of its lustre after giving birth. How to restore it? Check out these 5 home remedies to show off your beautiful and strong hair!

Beautiful Hair – Home Remedies

  1. The Proper Way to Wash and Comb Your Hair

Washing and combing your hair is the easiest thing you can do for your hair and there’s no way to do it wrong. But don’t be mistaken! Many women wash their hair incorrectly. The first step in properly washing your hair is to rinse it. Then massage the shampoo into your hair, not into the strands but mainly into your scalp. After rinsing apply a second layer of shampoo and rinse. Always shampoo your hair twice! Then it is time for the conditioner. Apply the conditioner to the entire length of your hair and rinse it out after a few minutes. It is important not to go to bed with a wet head of hair! This may cause more itching and lead to seborrhea, which makes your hair greasy faster. Wipe your hair gently with a towel. Shampoos without SLS and SLES detergents are recommended for washing as they dry out your hair.

  1. Use a hair dryer for a while: NO

If your hair is weak and falling out, don’t weigh it down even more. Say a definite NO to blow-drying your hair. Why? Because hot air makes your hair dull and more prone to breakage. Let your hair dry naturally if you can. If you can’t because you have to go out straight after shampooing, apply a protective spray before using your hair dryer, then use a lower heat setting. Of course, the same goes for other styling appliances, such as curling irons and flat irons. Especially if your hair is very weak, you should keep the use of these devices to a minimum.

  1. Drink plenty of water

Water hydrates every cell in your body, including your hair follicles. When you drink too little water (it should be at least 2 liters a day, and even more in the case of breastfeeding mothers), your hair roots are not sufficiently hydrated, which makes them get damaged more easily and quickly and they grow much slower.

photo by Daria Shevtsova/
  1. Protect your hair from external factors and try to avoid stress

The sun, wind, rain and pollution such as smog are bad for your hair. The scalp, which is exposed to these factors, becomes prone to irritation and is considerably weakened. So, when it’s cold outside, too much sun or strong wind, don’t go out without a hat!

  1. Control postpartum baldness with a vitamin complex

Women with weak and brittle hair should forego hair treatments, such as hair dye, straightening or perms, for a while. It is best to purchase a line of cosmetics for delicate, brittle and falling out hair. We also advise against tying the hair in a ponytail in order to revive the hair after pregnancy because using a scrunchy may further weaken it. And if you want to stop postpartum baldness, you can also use various preparations to rub into the scalp. These are products that you can get at any pharmacy. Most often, they contain B vitamin complexes, vitamin H, or the popular biotin, as well as extracts that stimulate microcirculation of the entire scalp, such as ginseng or hops.

Read also 3 golden tips to help you deal with hair loss after pregnancy

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